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Tim Chen, 陳怡然

GitHub Linkedin e-Mail

ProjectDCT Projects ProjectIEI Projects Side ProjectSide Projects

phone: 0928-572-532


  • Ruby on Rails
    • ruby, rails
    • HTML, HTML5
    • JavaScript, jQuery
  • Lotus Notes
    • Lotus Script, Lotus Formula
    • Xpage
    • Java


Side Project

Future Prospects

  • master in Ruby on Rails
  • AngularJS, Node.js
  • Machine Learning with Python
  • ERP development


  • 2018/07 ~ Now: Senior Software Engineer, IEI Integration Corp. 3022

    • Major work content: development of ERP system on Lotus Notes
      • Data synchronization between Notes and Oracle - Marketing, PO Process, Employee
      • Independent development of multi-organization architecture - QNAP Warehouse, PO Process, Sales Order
      • Independent development of Notes application - R&D, Production Management
    • Abilities:
      • LotusScript, LotusFormula
      • Oracle
  • 2014/9 ~ 2018/07: Software Engineer, Dimension Computer Technology 6140

    • Major work content: development of ERP system on Lotus Notes
      • development and maintainance of ERP system
      • updating of official website
      • developing new features of official webpage
      • development of interfaces from Lotus Notes to Turnkey(e-invoice) system
      • development of customer's ERP system
    • Abilities:
      • LotusScript, LotusFormula, Xpage
      • Ruby On Rails
      • HTML, JavaScript, CSS, jQuery, SASS, SCSS


  • In working, high commitment, be accountable and responsible.
  • In leisure, experimental, humor and living for fun.
  • Under pressure, proactively react and positive thinking.


  • 2010/9 ~ 2013/6: Computer Science and Information Engineering, National Cheng Kung University
  • 2005/9 ~ 2010/6: Computer Science and Engineering, National Sun Yat-sen University